Edge of Light

The harsh, raking light and atmospheric effects found in Aotearoa New Zealand are something I feel compelled to paint. The vast, ever-changing sky and sea are my inspiration with all its dramatic changes and patterns – giving me a sense of peace and stillness, along with a sense of hope and awe.
Through my work I explore the relationship of colour and light, how light appears to shine brighter when a contrasting darkness is also present in the image.I am interested in how a halo of colour often appears around a very bright source of light. I observe purple fringing and chromatic aberrations which occur when facing directly into the sun, causing the appearance of edges to shift in hue and intensity.
The concept of Tūrangawaewae is also important to me: to have my feet firmly planted where I stand .
Kyla Covic 2023

This will be Kyla Covics first solo show. I have loved watching Covics treatment of light around landforms develop and find its home in the soft slightly out of focus blurred lines. We move around the edges of her work and slowly make our way to the main source of light, the diffused colours give Covics work a wonderful sense of movement and timelessness. The light is ephemeral, fleeting, we are being held in a captured transitory moment in time.
View the work in this exhibition.
View the work in this exhibition.
Closet Romantic

Insects are the dominant feature in most of Jane Thornes paintings, she finds them endlessly fascinating with their unique shapes and colours. She is fascinated by social history and collects photos and scraps of wallpaper, using these as inspiration for new works. Pieces of this history can be found hiding behind insects, inserted in unexpected places.
Closet Romantic explores the beauty Thorne sees in these creatures and the intricate details of the nature and environment around us. She presents a beautiful intriguing view of the small things in our world.
Both these shows open on Tuesday 6th June - Saturday 1st July.